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Kolejka 1
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
87232 FC Nantes Olli18 OSC Lille grzes89 0-0 *
87233 AS Nance - Larraine theplash Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 0-3 *
87234 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 3-0 *
87235 AS Monaco marynarz Marseille jabbarinho 1-2
87236 Olympic Lyon MrKot Sochaux Rafal_1981 1-2
87237 ES Troyes AC draniu3 Le Mans Betowen 0-3 *
87238 Nice scorpion17 FC Lorient Juve666 1-2
87239 Lens belzebub_ Bordeaux Benio 2-1
87240 AJ Auxerre bayern Toulouse mejva 2-0
87241 CS Sedan ZAWISZA Valeciennes FC ziewiec 0-1
Kolejka 2
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
87242 CS Sedan ZAWISZA AJ Auxerre bayern 0-4
87243 Toulouse mejva Lens belzebub_ 0-2
87244 Bordeaux Benio Nice scorpion17 1-1
87245 FC Lorient Juve666 ES Troyes AC draniu3 3-0 *
87246 Le Mans Betowen Olympic Lyon MrKot 1-2
87247 Sochaux Rafal_1981 AS Monaco marynarz 0-2
87248 Marseille jabbarinho AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 5-0
87249 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 AS Nance - Larraine theplash 0-0 *
87250 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu FC Nantes Olli18 3-0 *
87251 OSC Lille grzes89 Valeciennes FC ziewiec 0-3 *
Kolejka 3
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
87252 OSC Lille grzes89 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 0-3 *
87253 FC Nantes Olli18 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 0-0 *
87254 AS Nance - Larraine theplash Marseille jabbarinho 0-3 *
87255 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS Sochaux Rafal_1981 0-1
87256 AS Monaco marynarz Le Mans Betowen 0-0 *
87257 Olympic Lyon MrKot FC Lorient Juve666 3-2
87258 ES Troyes AC draniu3 Bordeaux Benio 0-3 *
87259 Nice scorpion17 Toulouse mejva 0-0
87260 Lens belzebub_ CS Sedan ZAWISZA 2-1
87261 AJ Auxerre bayern Valeciennes FC ziewiec 4-0
Kolejka 4
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
87262 AJ Auxerre bayern Lens belzebub_ 1-0
87263 CS Sedan ZAWISZA Nice scorpion17 1-1
87264 Toulouse mejva ES Troyes AC draniu3 3-0 *
87265 Bordeaux Benio Olympic Lyon MrKot 1-2
87266 FC Lorient Juve666 AS Monaco marynarz 0-5
87267 Le Mans Betowen AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 3-1
87268 Sochaux Rafal_1981 AS Nance - Larraine theplash 3-0 *
87269 Marseille jabbarinho FC Nantes Olli18 3-0 *
87270 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 OSC Lille grzes89 0-0 *
87271 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu Valeciennes FC ziewiec 1-2
Kolejka 5
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
87272 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 3-0 *
87273 OSC Lille grzes89 Marseille jabbarinho 0-3 *
87274 FC Nantes Olli18 Sochaux Rafal_1981 0-3 *
87275 AS Nance - Larraine theplash Le Mans Betowen 1-6
87276 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS FC Lorient Juve666 1-2
87277 AS Monaco marynarz Bordeaux Benio 0-0 *
87278 Olympic Lyon MrKot Toulouse mejva 2-2
87279 ES Troyes AC draniu3 CS Sedan ZAWISZA 0-3 *
87280 Nice scorpion17 AJ Auxerre bayern 2-2
87281 Lens belzebub_ Valeciennes FC ziewiec 6-1
Kolejka 6
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
88126 Lens belzebub_ Nice scorpion17 1-0
88127 AJ Auxerre bayern ES Troyes AC draniu3 3-0 *
88128 CS Sedan ZAWISZA Olympic Lyon MrKot 2-2
88129 Toulouse mejva AS Monaco marynarz 2-1
88130 Bordeaux Benio AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 2-1
88131 FC Lorient Juve666 AS Nance - Larraine theplash 3-0 *
88132 Le Mans Betowen FC Nantes Olli18 3-0 *
88133 Sochaux Rafal_1981 OSC Lille grzes89 3-0 *
88134 Marseille jabbarinho Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 0-2
88135 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 Valeciennes FC ziewiec 0-1
Kolejka 7
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
88136 ES Troyes AC draniu3 Lens belzebub_ 0-3 *
88137 Nice scorpion17 Valeciennes FC ziewiec 2-0
88138 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 Marseille jabbarinho 1-2
88139 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu Sochaux Rafal_1981 1-3
88140 OSC Lille grzes89 Le Mans Betowen 0-3 *
88141 FC Nantes Olli18 FC Lorient Juve666 0-3 *
88142 AS Nance - Larraine theplash Bordeaux Benio 0-3
88143 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS Toulouse mejva 0-0
88144 AS Monaco marynarz CS Sedan ZAWISZA 1-1
88145 Olympic Lyon MrKot AJ Auxerre bayern 0-1
Kolejka 8
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
88146 Nice scorpion17 ES Troyes AC draniu3 3-0 *
88147 Lens belzebub_ Olympic Lyon MrKot 1-1
88148 AJ Auxerre bayern AS Monaco marynarz 3-0
88149 CS Sedan ZAWISZA AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 0-3 *
88150 Toulouse mejva AS Nance - Larraine theplash 3-0 *
88151 Bordeaux Benio FC Nantes Olli18 3-0 *
88152 FC Lorient Juve666 OSC Lille grzes89 3-0 *
88153 Le Mans Betowen Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 1-1
88154 Sochaux Rafal_1981 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 1-0
88155 Marseille jabbarinho Valeciennes FC ziewiec 2-2
Kolejka 9
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
88156 Marseille jabbarinho Sochaux Rafal_1981 2-5
88157 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 Le Mans Betowen 0-3 *
88158 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu FC Lorient Juve666 1-3
88159 OSC Lille grzes89 Bordeaux Benio 0-3 *
88160 FC Nantes Olli18 Toulouse mejva 0-3 *
88161 AS Nance - Larraine theplash CS Sedan ZAWISZA 0-3 *
88162 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS AJ Auxerre bayern 1-2
88163 AS Monaco marynarz Lens belzebub_ 2-1
88164 Olympic Lyon MrKot Nice scorpion17 1-0
88165 ES Troyes AC draniu3 Valeciennes FC ziewiec 0-3 *
Kolejka 10
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
88166 ES Troyes AC draniu3 Olympic Lyon MrKot 0-3 *
88167 Nice scorpion17 AS Monaco marynarz 0-0
88168 Lens belzebub_ AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 0-0
88169 AJ Auxerre bayern AS Nance - Larraine theplash 3-0 *
88170 CS Sedan ZAWISZA FC Nantes Olli18 3-0 *
88171 Toulouse mejva OSC Lille grzes89 3-0 *
88172 Bordeaux Benio Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 1-0
88173 FC Lorient Juve666 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 6-1
88174 Le Mans Betowen Marseille jabbarinho 0-3
88175 Sochaux Rafal_1981 Valeciennes FC ziewiec 0-2
Kolejka 11
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
88708 AS Nance - Larraine theplash Lens belzebub_ 0-3 *
88709 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS Nice scorpion17 0-4
88710 AS Monaco marynarz ES Troyes AC draniu3 3-0 *
88711 Olympic Lyon MrKot Valeciennes FC ziewiec 0-2
88712 Sochaux Rafal_1981 Le Mans Betowen 1-1
88713 Marseille jabbarinho FC Lorient Juve666 2-3
88714 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 Bordeaux Benio 0-3 *
88715 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu Toulouse mejva 1-3
88716 OSC Lille grzes89 CS Sedan ZAWISZA 0-3 *
88717 FC Nantes Olli18 AJ Auxerre bayern 0-3 *
Kolejka 12
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
88718 Olympic Lyon MrKot AS Monaco marynarz 1-2
88719 ES Troyes AC draniu3 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 0-3 *
88720 Nice scorpion17 AS Nance - Larraine theplash 3-0 *
88721 Lens belzebub_ FC Nantes Olli18 3-0 *
88722 AJ Auxerre bayern OSC Lille grzes89 3-0 *
88723 CS Sedan ZAWISZA Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 0-2
88724 Toulouse mejva Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 3-0 *
88725 Bordeaux Benio Marseille jabbarinho 3-5
88726 FC Lorient Juve666 Sochaux Rafal_1981 2-3
88727 Le Mans Betowen Valeciennes FC ziewiec 0-0
Kolejka 13
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
88728 Le Mans Betowen FC Lorient Juve666 0-0 *
88729 Sochaux Rafal_1981 Bordeaux Benio 0-1
88730 Marseille jabbarinho Toulouse mejva 0-2
88731 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 CS Sedan ZAWISZA 0-3 *
88732 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu AJ Auxerre bayern 2-4
88733 OSC Lille grzes89 Lens belzebub_ 0-3 *
88734 FC Nantes Olli18 Nice scorpion17 0-3 *
88735 AS Nance - Larraine theplash ES Troyes AC draniu3 0-0 *
88736 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS Olympic Lyon MrKot 0-2
88737 AS Monaco marynarz Valeciennes FC ziewiec 1-1
Kolejka 14
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
88738 AS Monaco marynarz AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 0-1
88739 Olympic Lyon MrKot AS Nance - Larraine theplash 3-0 *
88740 ES Troyes AC draniu3 FC Nantes Olli18 0-0 *
88741 Nice scorpion17 OSC Lille grzes89 1-0
88742 Lens belzebub_ Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 2-1
88743 AJ Auxerre bayern Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 2-0
88744 CS Sedan ZAWISZA Marseille jabbarinho 1-1
88745 Toulouse mejva Sochaux Rafal_1981 0-2
88746 Bordeaux Benio Le Mans Betowen 0-2
88747 FC Lorient Juve666 Valeciennes FC ziewiec 0-2
Kolejka 15
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
88748 OSC Lille grzes89 ES Troyes AC draniu3 0-0 *
88749 FC Nantes Olli18 Olympic Lyon MrKot 0-3 *
88750 AS Nance - Larraine theplash AS Monaco marynarz 0-3 *
88751 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS Valeciennes FC ziewiec 1-2
88752 FC Lorient Juve666 Bordeaux Benio 3-2
88753 Le Mans Betowen Toulouse mejva 0-0 *
88754 Sochaux Rafal_1981 CS Sedan ZAWISZA 0-0 *
88755 Marseille jabbarinho AJ Auxerre bayern 0-1
88756 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 Lens belzebub_ 0-3 *
88757 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu Nice scorpion17 4-2
Kolejka 16
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
89386 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS AS Nance - Larraine theplash 3-0 *
89387 AS Monaco marynarz FC Nantes Olli18 3-0 *
89388 Olympic Lyon MrKot OSC Lille grzes89 3-0 *
89389 ES Troyes AC draniu3 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 0-3 *
89390 Nice scorpion17 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 3-0 *
89391 Lens belzebub_ Marseille jabbarinho 2-2
89392 AJ Auxerre bayern Sochaux Rafal_1981 4-0
89393 CS Sedan ZAWISZA Le Mans Betowen 3-0 *
89394 Toulouse mejva FC Lorient Juve666 1-2
89395 Bordeaux Benio Valeciennes FC ziewiec 2-2
Kolejka 17
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
89396 Bordeaux Benio Toulouse mejva 0-0
89397 FC Lorient Juve666 CS Sedan ZAWISZA 2-1
89398 Le Mans Betowen AJ Auxerre bayern 0-4
89399 Sochaux Rafal_1981 Lens belzebub_ 1-3
89400 Marseille jabbarinho Nice scorpion17 0-1
89401 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 ES Troyes AC draniu3 0-0 *
89402 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu Olympic Lyon MrKot 2-2
89403 OSC Lille grzes89 AS Monaco marynarz 0-3 *
89404 FC Nantes Olli18 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 0-3 *
89405 AS Nance - Larraine theplash Valeciennes FC ziewiec 0-3 *
Kolejka 18
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
89406 AS Nance - Larraine theplash FC Nantes Olli18 0-0 *
89407 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS OSC Lille grzes89 3-0 *
89408 AS Monaco marynarz Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 0-0 *
89409 Olympic Lyon MrKot Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 3-0 *
89410 ES Troyes AC draniu3 Marseille jabbarinho 0-3 *
89411 Nice scorpion17 Sochaux Rafal_1981 0-1
89412 Lens belzebub_ Le Mans Betowen 1-0
89413 AJ Auxerre bayern FC Lorient Juve666 6-2
89414 CS Sedan ZAWISZA Bordeaux Benio 2-1
89415 Toulouse mejva Valeciennes FC ziewiec 0-0
Kolejka 19
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
89416 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 AS Monaco marynarz 0-3 *
89417 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 5-0
89418 OSC Lille grzes89 AS Nance - Larraine theplash 0-0 *
89419 FC Nantes Olli18 Valeciennes FC ziewiec 0-3 *
89420 Toulouse mejva CS Sedan ZAWISZA 1-0
89421 Bordeaux Benio AJ Auxerre bayern 0-3
89422 FC Lorient Juve666 Lens belzebub_ 2-2
89423 Le Mans Betowen Nice scorpion17 0-0 *
89424 Sochaux Rafal_1981 ES Troyes AC draniu3 3-0 *
89425 Marseille jabbarinho Olympic Lyon MrKot 0-0 *
Kolejka 20
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
89426 OSC Lille grzes89 FC Nantes Olli18 0-0 *
89427 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu AS Nance - Larraine theplash 3-0 *
89428 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 0-3 *
89429 Marseille jabbarinho AS Monaco marynarz 1-0
89430 Sochaux Rafal_1981 Olympic Lyon MrKot 1-3
89431 Le Mans Betowen ES Troyes AC draniu3 3-0 *
89432 FC Lorient Juve666 Nice scorpion17 3-3
89433 Bordeaux Benio Lens belzebub_ 0-1
89434 Toulouse mejva AJ Auxerre bayern 1-1
89435 Valeciennes FC ziewiec CS Sedan ZAWISZA 0-1
Kolejka 21
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
89809 AJ Auxerre bayern CS Sedan ZAWISZA 0-3 *
89810 Lens belzebub_ Toulouse mejva 2-1
89811 Nice scorpion17 Bordeaux Benio 0-0
89812 ES Troyes AC draniu3 FC Lorient Juve666 0-3 *
89813 Olympic Lyon MrKot Le Mans Betowen 0-0 *
89814 AS Monaco marynarz Sochaux Rafal_1981 0-0 *
89815 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS Marseille jabbarinho 1-3
89816 AS Nance - Larraine theplash Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 0-0 *
89817 FC Nantes Olli18 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 0-3 *
89818 Valeciennes FC ziewiec OSC Lille grzes89 3-0 *
Kolejka 22
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
89819 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu OSC Lille grzes89 3-0 *
89820 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 FC Nantes Olli18 0-0 *
89821 Marseille jabbarinho AS Nance - Larraine theplash 3-0 *
89822 Sochaux Rafal_1981 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 0-2
89823 Le Mans Betowen AS Monaco marynarz 0-0 *
89824 FC Lorient Juve666 Olympic Lyon MrKot 0-0 *
89825 Bordeaux Benio ES Troyes AC draniu3 3-0 *
89826 Toulouse mejva Nice scorpion17 3-3
89827 CS Sedan ZAWISZA Lens belzebub_ 2-0
89828 Valeciennes FC ziewiec AJ Auxerre bayern 1-1
Kolejka 23
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
89829 AS Nance - Larraine theplash Sochaux Rafal_1981 0-3 *
89830 FC Nantes Olli18 Marseille jabbarinho 0-3 *
89831 OSC Lille grzes89 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 0-0 *
89832 Valeciennes FC ziewiec Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 0-1
89833 Lens belzebub_ AJ Auxerre bayern 3-0 *
89834 Nice scorpion17 CS Sedan ZAWISZA 0-0 *
89835 ES Troyes AC draniu3 Toulouse mejva 0-3 *
89836 Olympic Lyon MrKot Bordeaux Benio 0-1
89837 AS Monaco marynarz FC Lorient Juve666 1-2
89838 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS Le Mans Betowen 1-0
Kolejka 24
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
89839 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 0-3 *
89840 Marseille jabbarinho OSC Lille grzes89 3-0 *
89841 Sochaux Rafal_1981 FC Nantes Olli18 3-0 *
89842 Le Mans Betowen AS Nance - Larraine theplash 3-0 *
89843 FC Lorient Juve666 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 3-2
89844 Bordeaux Benio AS Monaco marynarz 0-0 *
89845 Toulouse mejva Olympic Lyon MrKot 2-2
89846 CS Sedan ZAWISZA ES Troyes AC draniu3 3-0 *
89847 AJ Auxerre bayern Nice scorpion17 0-0 *
89848 Valeciennes FC ziewiec Lens belzebub_ 0-2
Kolejka 25
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
89849 Nice scorpion17 Lens belzebub_ 1-0
89850 ES Troyes AC draniu3 AJ Auxerre bayern 0-3 *
89851 Olympic Lyon MrKot CS Sedan ZAWISZA 0-0 *
89852 AS Monaco marynarz Toulouse mejva 0-1
89853 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS Bordeaux Benio 1-0
89854 AS Nance - Larraine theplash FC Lorient Juve666 0-3 *
89855 FC Nantes Olli18 Le Mans Betowen 0-3 *
89856 OSC Lille grzes89 Sochaux Rafal_1981 0-3 *
89857 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu Marseille jabbarinho 2-1
89858 Valeciennes FC ziewiec Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 3-0 *
Kolejka 26
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
90164 Marseille jabbarinho Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 3-0 *
90165 Sochaux Rafal_1981 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 2-3
90166 Le Mans Betowen OSC Lille grzes89 3-0 *
90167 FC Lorient Juve666 FC Nantes Olli18 3-0 *
90168 Bordeaux Benio AS Nance - Larraine theplash 3-0 *
90169 Toulouse mejva AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 1-1
90170 CS Sedan ZAWISZA AS Monaco marynarz 3-0 *
90171 AJ Auxerre bayern Olympic Lyon MrKot 3-1
90172 Lens belzebub_ ES Troyes AC draniu3 3-0 *
90173 Valeciennes FC ziewiec Nice scorpion17 1-1
Kolejka 27
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
90174 OSC Lille grzes89 FC Lorient Juve666 0-3 *
90175 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu Le Mans Betowen 0-0 *
90176 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 Sochaux Rafal_1981 0-3 *
90177 Valeciennes FC ziewiec Marseille jabbarinho 2-0
90178 ES Troyes AC draniu3 Nice scorpion17 0-3 *
90179 Olympic Lyon MrKot Lens belzebub_ 0-0 *
90180 AS Monaco marynarz AJ Auxerre bayern 0-0 *
90181 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS CS Sedan ZAWISZA 0-1
90182 AS Nance - Larraine theplash Toulouse mejva 0-3 *
90183 FC Nantes Olli18 Bordeaux Benio 0-3 *
Kolejka 28
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
90184 Sochaux Rafal_1981 Marseille jabbarinho 0-1
90185 Le Mans Betowen Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 3-0 *
90186 FC Lorient Juve666 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 1-2
90187 Bordeaux Benio OSC Lille grzes89 3-0 *
90188 Toulouse mejva FC Nantes Olli18 3-0 *
90189 CS Sedan ZAWISZA AS Nance - Larraine theplash 3-0 *
90190 AJ Auxerre bayern AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 0-0 *
90191 Lens belzebub_ AS Monaco marynarz 4-2
90192 Nice scorpion17 Olympic Lyon MrKot 0-0 *
90193 Valeciennes FC ziewiec ES Troyes AC draniu3 3-0 *
Kolejka 29
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
90194 Olympic Lyon MrKot ES Troyes AC draniu3 3-0 *
90195 AS Monaco marynarz Nice scorpion17 0-0 *
90196 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS Lens belzebub_ 0-3
90197 AS Nance - Larraine theplash AJ Auxerre bayern 0-3 *
90198 FC Nantes Olli18 CS Sedan ZAWISZA 0-3 *
90199 OSC Lille grzes89 Toulouse mejva 0-3 *
90200 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu Bordeaux Benio 4-1
90201 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 FC Lorient Juve666 0-3 *
90202 Marseille jabbarinho Le Mans Betowen 0-0 *
90203 Valeciennes FC ziewiec Sochaux Rafal_1981 0-2
Kolejka 30
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
90204 Le Mans Betowen Sochaux Rafal_1981 0-0 *
90205 FC Lorient Juve666 Marseille jabbarinho 2-1
90206 Bordeaux Benio Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 3-0 *
90207 Toulouse mejva Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 0-4
90208 CS Sedan ZAWISZA OSC Lille grzes89 3-0 *
90209 AJ Auxerre bayern FC Nantes Olli18 3-0 *
90210 Lens belzebub_ AS Nance - Larraine theplash 3-0 *
90211 Nice scorpion17 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 0-0 *
90212 ES Troyes AC draniu3 AS Monaco marynarz 0-3 *
90213 Valeciennes FC ziewiec Olympic Lyon MrKot 2-1
Kolejka 31
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
90898 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 Toulouse mejva 0-3 *
90899 Marseille jabbarinho Bordeaux Benio 0-0 *
90900 Sochaux Rafal_1981 FC Lorient Juve666 0-2
90901 Valeciennes FC ziewiec Le Mans Betowen 3-0 *
90902 AS Monaco marynarz Olympic Lyon MrKot 0-2
90903 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS ES Troyes AC draniu3 3-0 *
90904 AS Nance - Larraine theplash Nice scorpion17 0-3 *
90905 FC Nantes Olli18 Lens belzebub_ 0-3 *
90906 OSC Lille grzes89 AJ Auxerre bayern 0-3 *
90907 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu CS Sedan ZAWISZA 1-0
Kolejka 32
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
90908 FC Lorient Juve666 Le Mans Betowen 3-0 *
90909 Bordeaux Benio Sochaux Rafal_1981 0-0 *
90910 Toulouse mejva Marseille jabbarinho 2-1
90911 CS Sedan ZAWISZA Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 3-0 *
90912 AJ Auxerre bayern Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 0-0 *
90913 Lens belzebub_ OSC Lille grzes89 3-0 *
90914 Nice scorpion17 FC Nantes Olli18 3-0 *
90915 ES Troyes AC draniu3 AS Nance - Larraine theplash 0-0 *
90916 Olympic Lyon MrKot AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 0-0 *
90917 Valeciennes FC ziewiec AS Monaco marynarz 1-3
Kolejka 33
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
90918 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS AS Monaco marynarz 0-0 *
90919 AS Nance - Larraine theplash Olympic Lyon MrKot 0-3 *
90920 FC Nantes Olli18 ES Troyes AC draniu3 0-0 *
90921 OSC Lille grzes89 Nice scorpion17 0-3 *
90922 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu Lens belzebub_ 1-0
90923 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 AJ Auxerre bayern 0-3 *
90924 Marseille jabbarinho CS Sedan ZAWISZA 0-0 *
90925 Sochaux Rafal_1981 Toulouse mejva 0-0 *
90926 Le Mans Betowen Bordeaux Benio 0-0 *
90927 Valeciennes FC ziewiec FC Lorient Juve666 1-1
Kolejka 34
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
90928 Bordeaux Benio FC Lorient Juve666 0-0 *
90929 Toulouse mejva Le Mans Betowen 0-0 *
90930 CS Sedan ZAWISZA Sochaux Rafal_1981 0-0 *
90931 AJ Auxerre bayern Marseille jabbarinho 0-0 *
90932 Lens belzebub_ Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 3-0 *
90933 Nice scorpion17 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 0-0 *
90934 ES Troyes AC draniu3 OSC Lille grzes89 0-0 *
90935 Olympic Lyon MrKot FC Nantes Olli18 3-0 *
90936 AS Monaco marynarz AS Nance - Larraine theplash 3-0 *
90937 Valeciennes FC ziewiec AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 2-1
Kolejka 35
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
90938 Sochaux Rafal_1981 AJ Auxerre bayern 0-0 *
90939 Le Mans Betowen CS Sedan ZAWISZA 0-0 *
90940 FC Lorient Juve666 Toulouse mejva 0-0 *
90941 Valeciennes FC ziewiec Bordeaux Benio 0-1
90942 AS Nance - Larraine theplash AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 0-3 *
90943 FC Nantes Olli18 AS Monaco marynarz 0-3 *
90944 OSC Lille grzes89 Olympic Lyon MrKot 0-3 *
90945 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu ES Troyes AC draniu3 3-0 *
90946 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 Nice scorpion17 0-3 *
90947 Marseille jabbarinho Lens belzebub_ 2-2
Kolejka 36
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
90948 Toulouse mejva Bordeaux Benio 0-2
90949 CS Sedan ZAWISZA FC Lorient Juve666 0-0 *
90950 AJ Auxerre bayern Le Mans Betowen 0-0 *
90951 Lens belzebub_ Sochaux Rafal_1981 4-0
90952 Nice scorpion17 Marseille jabbarinho 0-0 *
90953 ES Troyes AC draniu3 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 0-0 *
90954 Olympic Lyon MrKot Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 0-0 *
90955 AS Monaco marynarz OSC Lille grzes89 3-0 *
90956 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS FC Nantes Olli18 3-0 *
90957 Valeciennes FC ziewiec AS Nance - Larraine theplash 3-0 *
Kolejka 37
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
90958 FC Nantes Olli18 AS Nance - Larraine theplash 0-0 *
90959 OSC Lille grzes89 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS 0-3 *
90960 Stadde Rennais FC Lopu AS Monaco marynarz 0-0 *
90961 Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 Olympic Lyon MrKot 0-3 *
90962 Marseille jabbarinho ES Troyes AC draniu3 3-0 *
90963 Sochaux Rafal_1981 Nice scorpion17 0-0 *
90964 Le Mans Betowen Lens belzebub_ 0-3 *
90965 FC Lorient Juve666 AJ Auxerre bayern 0-0 *
90966 Bordeaux Benio CS Sedan ZAWISZA 6-0
90967 Valeciennes FC ziewiec Toulouse mejva 0-0 *
Kolejka 38
Id Gospodarz Gość Rezultat
90968 CS Sedan ZAWISZA Toulouse mejva 0-0 *
90969 AJ Auxerre bayern Bordeaux Benio 0-0 *
90970 Lens belzebub_ FC Lorient Juve666 0-0 *
90971 Nice scorpion17 Le Mans Betowen 0-0 *
90972 ES Troyes AC draniu3 Sochaux Rafal_1981 0-3 *
90973 Olympic Lyon MrKot Marseille jabbarinho 6-3
90974 AS Monaco marynarz Paris Saint - Germain mariusz1994 3-0 *
90975 AS Saint Etienne ArturGKS Stadde Rennais FC Lopu 0-0 *
90976 AS Nance - Larraine theplash OSC Lille grzes89 0-0 *
90977 Valeciennes FC ziewiec FC Nantes Olli18 3-0 *
Liga 1
Poz Nick Drużyna M Z R P B+ B- B+- Pts
1 belzebub_ Lens Lens 38 26 5 7 79 22 57 83
2 bayern AJ Auxerre AJ Auxerre 38 24 3 11 75 16 59 75
3 Juve666 FC Lorient FC Lorient 38 22 3 13 75 41 34 69
4 Lopu Stadde Rennais FC Stadde Rennais FC 38 22 2 14 71 28 43 68
5 ziewiec Valeciennes FC Valeciennes FC 38 20 8 10 58 34 24 68
6 MrKot Olympic Lyon Olympic Lyon 38 18 5 15 64 30 34 59
7 mejva Toulouse Toulouse 38 16 9 13 52 28 24 57
8 Benio Bordeaux Bordeaux 38 17 4 17 56 29 27 55
9 jabbarinho Marseille Marseille 38 17 4 17 66 41 25 55
10 ZAWISZA CS Sedan CS Sedan 38 17 4 17 52 28 24 55
11 Rafal_1981 Sochaux Sochaux 38 18 1 19 52 34 18 55
12 scorpion17 Nice Nice 38 14 9 15 50 20 30 51
13 marynarz AS Monaco AS Monaco 38 15 3 20 51 26 25 48
14 ArturGKS AS Saint Etienne AS Saint Etienne 38 15 3 20 48 41 7 48
15 Betowen Le Mans Le Mans 38 12 3 23 41 27 14 39
16 mariusz1994 Paris Saint - Germain Paris Saint - Germain 38 0 0 38 2 87 -85 0
17 grzes89 OSC Lille OSC Lille 38 0 0 38 0 88 -88 0
18 Olli18 FC Nantes FC Nantes 38 0 0 38 0 90 -90 0
19 draniu3 ES Troyes AC ES Troyes AC 38 0 0 38 0 90 -90 0
20 theplash AS Nance - Larraine AS Nance - Larraine 38 0 0 38 1 93 -92 0
Poz Nick Walkowery
1 Olli18 38
2 draniu3 38
3 grzes89 37
4 theplash 36
5 mariusz1994 33
6 Betowen 18
7 bayern 11
8 marynarz 11
9 scorpion17 10
11 MrKot 8
12 Rafal_1981 8
13 Juve666 7
14 Benio 7
15 Lopu 7
16 mejva 6
17 jabbarinho 6
18 ArturGKS 5
19 belzebub_ 2
20 ziewiec 1